I walked over to the large reality screen and found the main control unit, put the disk in, dimmed the lights and sat down. The film began. It looked just a little dated and like it was made on a shoestring budget, but it wasn’t too bad really and once it was over, I immediately had to watch it again. Even now that I’ve had some time to ponder everything over, I’m still not certain I will be able to convey even the basic nature of what they were trying to get across in the film.

It was entitled, The Truth About The Galaxy: and what they don’t want you to know and it presented the series of events leading up to the beginning of the great collapse. Now I’d never really taken much interest in the subject all that much, not being much into galactic trends and the interstellar economy. The realityvisions had never really stated in any clear detail, exactly what elements had brought about this dramatic change throughout the galaxy, but instead presented a confusing multitude of conflicting stories until, in the end, most people I know just lost interest and accepted it. It’s what they seem to do with everything.

I guess you could compare this film with a lot of those ones you see in all the old war movies that they’re always showing to influence the minds of all the soldiers, to make them hate the enemy, what they call propaganda, but I’m not sure I’d label it as that. I honestly feel that just about anything you see on the reality screens can generally be said to be doing the same thing, influencing minds. And this film seemed somehow to just make sense to me, confirmed many of my suspicions and also it seemed some of my deepest concerns – some things my mind must have kept concealed for a long, long time – about the way things were and the way things should be, were brought suddenly bubbling to the surface through the various images flashing before my eyes.


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